Bean's nursery is (mostly) finished! Yay! I'm pretty happy with how things turned out in this little room - hopefully it will be a bright and cheerful place for us to spend time in. We don't know if Bean is a boy or a girl, so I tried to go with a bright color palate (no pastel greens or yellows or tans or greys here!) that was also gender neutral. The wall color is from Sherwin Williams and is called Bubble.
I borrowed heavily from Pinterest when figuring out how to "build" the nursery. (You can check out my Pinterest boards
here for general ideas and
here for sewing projects.) And now here's a little tour :)
This is the view from the hall door. When Bean arrives (and we know his/her name!) I'm going to spray paint some letters with his/her initials to go above the cubbies. I made the curtains (you can see the red pattern better in the photo below), complete with blackout liner. Dresser and cubbies from Ikea! |
This corner has changed already - I put the diaper pail here and moved this adorable cloth bucket over in the other corner by the crib. The bucket was a baby shower gift and it has a bunch of baby toys in it. |
I made three flannel covers for the changing pad. These were super easy and my favorite project of the room. |
Here's the "reading nook." I made new pads for the rocking chair and my husband spray painted it white. Rocker was a freebie hand-me-down, book ledges are from Ikea. |
I put extra "linens" in the bottom dresser drawer. On the left are the two extra crib sheets and in the middle are the two extra changing pad covers. The big black and white print item is a car seat cover/canopy (purchased) and the little white things are changing pad liners. |
And here's the other side of the room! Now the toy bucket is in that right corner. |
My co-worker Debbie MADE this cool art for Bean! |
Here's a close-up of the third crib sheet - cheery multicolored polka dots. |
And a close-up of the whole crib. Another co-worker/neighbor, Anna, made the quilt hanging over the side there - I love the bright colors! The crib skirt is made of the same fabric as the curtains - I'm not sure I'd bother with this if I were to do things over again. The rug is from Overstock. |
Bean's closet! We used an Ikea shelving unit to make this a (hopefully) more functional space than just the hanging rack and shelf that were there before. Toys can go in those bottom two shelves for easier access when Bean is older. |
That drawer houses a bunch of (mostly) hand-made blankets for Bean! There's a lot of love in this drawer! This kid will be snug as a bug in a rug :) |
I thought it'd be a good idea to get a hanging unit for the back of the door. I figure we can put anything from towels to lobster/crab hats there :) |
And here's my last completed Bean project - some more burp cloths. One of my co-workers made me some, but I figure you can't have too many of these. And I had leftover flannel that was begging to be used... |
So that's where things stand at the moment! There are two unfinished items for the room still - a mobile and some art for the walls. The art has been purchased, and we're waiting for delivery. The circles are all cut out for the mobile - I just need to sew them together, tie them onto a wreath form (that I purchased forever ago and never used for a wreath) and then hang it up. I'd also like to (eventually) make some squishy blocks out of fabric scraps from the various sewing projects. And maybe some variously sized cloth bins/boxes? But things are pretty much done for now!
Hope you enjoyed the tour!
Linking up with
Confessions of a Fabric Addict.
What a lovely nursery!